to break the rules inside a 4-month Mastermind built especially for online Coaches & Service Pros like you ready to…


👉🏼 Nail your signature framework

👉🏼 Create an iconic offer ecosystem that increases sales and builds brand credibility

👉🏼 Become an energetic match for clients that invest repeatedly by becoming the leading authority

👉🏼 Double your income in 2024


It’s time to lead your business and stop letting your business lead you.

Early bird enrolment is open from Friday 24th November to midnight Monday 27th November, enrolling during this window means you gain access to x2 fast action bonuses! A 6 part extended payment plan and an exclusive invite to our 2024 Planning Party.


Raise your hand if you want a scalable online business, but are struggling to build with your current offer suite…

We know the key to building a scalable business model:

👉🏼 Transforming your GENIUS into an authority-building framework.

👉🏼 Knowing how to POSITION and SELL your offers in an effective way.

👉🏼 Settling your nervous system at every level of growth to cultivate a resilient leadership MINDSET.


That coaching qualification or years of hands-on service provider experience mean nothing if you can’t confidently frame it all in a way that your ideal clients trust.

💡 This is where understanding the anatomy of your signature framework comes in 💡

It’s your selling superpower

It’s what helps position your expertise in an authoritative way so that it creates that all-important credibility.

Great news…you definitely already have one, it just hasn’t been nailed down yet.

This is exactly what Courage To Lead helps you with - building the foundations you need to create profitable offers so you can step into the courageous leader you know you can be.


Coaches, Mentors & Service Pros, we know you didn’t start your business to sit on Zoom all day swapping time for money 🫠

Let us guess…

  • You're a natural leader, you've been experimenting with different offer styles, and have facilitated some incredible client results, but yet to have your 'big break' moment where client attraction and sales feel easy.

  • You know you could run and sell your offers more effectively, or it could be time to add another revenue stream that gives you room to breathe, but the thought of launching something new or pivoting when you’re just about surviving day-to-day is overwhelming.

  • Positioning and pricing all your offers perfectly excites you because you refuse to enter 2024 having another identity crisis, more random offer launches, and half-filled-out programs. Hell no!

  • You’ve done so much mindset work facing your limiting beliefs, now you’re ready to have a product suit you love, your brand recognized, and have the audacity to be THE leading expert.


You’re overthinking…

‘Do I build an online course? Launch a live group program? How the hell would I find the time to do that? Maybe I create a digital product. Do I have what it takes to be ‘that’ coach?’


What if we said there’s an easy method to implement when crafting new offers + a level of emotional intelligence you can cultivate that provides the foundations to scale sustainably, would you be interested?



🔥 The Profitable Positioning Framework 🔥


💥 Passion

Connect to your purpose, mission, values skills, and personality, so you can carve out your unique place inside an unmatched, competition-free market to play around in as you build. In short, this is crystal clear clarity on how to define that ‘un-definable’ niche.

📈 Planning

Leaders don’t spin their wheels, they plan for the success they want to cultivate. With discipline, comes freedom, so we’ll help you nurture the skill of foresight in your business making sure you have a fully mapped-out year. Structure and plan of execution around offer development, sale projections, launches, and your marketing strategy.

👑 Positioning

By formalizing your framework everything falls into place. We’ll teach you exactly how to position yourself as an expert so that…

  1. You’ll have a repeatable and easy way to create new offers and…

  2. You’ll have more clarity on how to market yourself than ever before.

💸 Profit

Courageous leaders aren’t afraid of numbers. Armed with your framework you’ll know exactly how to map out your offer ecosystem. One that is priced with profit and client retention in mind. You’ll have a scaleable business model that gets your clients better results and keeps them in your world for the long term.


We know how crippling unfulfilled potential is in your business. The annoying voice in your head saying…

‘Can you quit playing small please!’

  • The struggle of chasing clients who aren’t aligned just to pay bills.

  • Launches that fall flat sucking all of your energy.

  • The disappointment when limiting beliefs resurface that you thought you’d healed.

  • The jealousy you’re ashamed to admit when you see other coaches effortlessly selling out their offers.


Throw sharing your story authentically online with the pressure to be visible and it feels like your BUTT-ASS naked with a never-ending to-do list!


You don't need to set all your offers on fire and start from scratch

👏🏼 You’re 👏🏼 more 👏🏼 than 👏🏼 capable 👏🏼

Your vision is *worthy*

You need to carve time to practice the skill of nurturing your inner leader so you can stand confidently in your genius. That way, you can analyse your existing product suite objectively for clarity on what works/ doesn’t, clean up, reposition, and reprioritise so you can start making more sales.


This is why Courage to Lead exists


In 2023, both Abi & Mel both made bold decisions…

…to experiment and re-structure our coaching businesses in line with:

🔥 HOW we wanted to feel and

🔥 WHO we wanted to become

The leaders we knew we could be so we could make even more impact.


💖 Double the joy

💖 Double the flexibility

💖 Double the *SALES*


With a combination of 13 years of experience and success building impact-driven businesses and over £500k in revenue, we’re on a mission to help you do the same

To feel the freedom and joy entrepreneurship can bring.

We’ve created a transformative container fusing together our most impactful offers to help you have the audacity to become ‘THAT’ coach or service pro with a recognisable product suit and a brand you can scale.


We know you’re ready to


Go from this…

  • Spending all week alone, trapped behind your desk, struggling to make empowered decisions in your business.

  • Having just one offer that you don’t really love, and being reliant on that to pay your bills each month.

  • Wanting to serve more people, but no idea how to create your offers or frameworks to bring it to life without burning out.

To this…

  • Being supported by not one, but two expert coaches AND a cohort of other amazing coaches sharing their collective skills, expertise, and experience.

  • Knowing the anatomy of profitable, successful and sustainable offers so you can get creative and experiment with new ways of stacking revenue whenever you like.

  • Strengthening your mindset, marketing and using frameworks you’ve developed to position yourself as an expert who stacks revenue and has time to rest.


It’s about time you had an unshakeable belief in your programs and offers and your ability to cultivate the very best client results 🔥


Get ready to nail your signature framework, create iconic offers that build brand credibility, and double your income in 2024.


🌟 The nuts and bolts of CTL 🌟



  • 1x Monthly Group Profit Planning Session that has a different focus each month. Together we’ll analyze the key parts of your business - money, offers, clients, sales strategy & mindset so you can start the month strong.

  • 1x Monthly Create Your Way Content Masterclass designed to help you swap mindless scrolling for aligned action. Abi will guide you back home to your empowered self where creation is quick, intuition-led, and easy.

📈 THE ULTIMATE PRODUCTIVITY HUB - A juicy Notion template full to the brim with organisation, planning, and strategic tools and resources to help you run every element of your business and track your progress

👩🏻‍💻 MONTHLY MESSAGING REVIEW - This is your opportunity to get our eyes on your offers and content and receive detailed and personalised feedback from Abi and Mel.

💟 WEEK DAY COMMUNITY SUPPORT - This space is specially designed as a hive mind to encourage collaboration and collective growth inside Slack. Pop in anytime with strategy questions, mindset wobbles, and celebrations so you can be supported by us and your fellow courageous leaders. Abi and Mel will host coaching office hours every Tuesday and Thursday.

🤑 MASTERMIND PERKS - Exclusive discounts on 1:1 coaching with Mel & Abi.


Join the waitlist for the next round

We’re currently running, but join the waitlist to be first in line when we open enrolment in 2024


Act fast and we’ll…

🥂 Smash the year by reviewing, planning, prioritising, and celebrating together

🥂 Think vision boards, prosecco, and daring to dream bigger than you ever have.

🥂 Walk away with an actual plan we'll help you bring to life inside CTL


Payment Plan

x4 PAYMENTS OF £412.50

Pay in full



4 months to change the trajectory of your business, are you with us?

Yes, I’m ready…

Wondering “Is this for me?”


This is for you if…

✅ You’re service pro, coach or mentor who is clear on what your ideal clients need from you, how to facilitate awesome results, and have a process you’re excited to refine.

✅ You’re ready to own your expertise and nail your signature framework so you can create iconic offers that build your brand reputation like yesterday!

✅ You want a scaleable business model that’s unique to you and creates uncapped income and freedom in your life.

This probably isn’t the right offer for you if…

❌ You’re happy swapping time for money and not pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

❌ Sticking to just 1:1 coaching or done-for-you services is where you feel comfortable right now.

❌ You’re in your self-study era learning the basics or thrive better in a 1:1 coaching set-up. In that case check out Mel & Abi’s intensives.


Meet your coaches Abi & Mel

4 years ago, 1 random Facebook group and a spontaneous entrepreneur networking event later created the foundations for a beautifully expansive friendship.

Ever since, we’ve been work wives by each other’s side as we’ve grown two incredibly fulfilling and impact-driven businesses.

We’ve both scaled agencies, navigated wild-life transitions, pivoted, and built coaching businesses from the ground up to give us a life with more joy, success, and freedom.

You’re going to have two powerhouse mentors by your side…

🙋🏻‍♀️ Abi - resident expert in all things marketing strategy, personal branding, and mindset mastery.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Mel - former VA turned six-figure agency owner and business coach for service pros and VAs.

Both passionate about helping you have consistent clients, cash, and confidence to be more YOU in business.